Sunday, December 5, 2010


  1. anatomical position - The erect position of the body with the face directed forward, the arms at the side, and the palms of the hands facing forward.
  2. Hyperextension – the rotation beyond anatomical position in the direction opposite the direction of flexion.
  3. Rotation - the act of rotating; a turning around as on an axis
  4. Flexion - the act of bending a limb
  5. Pronation - rotation of the hand or forearm so that the surface of the palm is facing downward or toward the back
  6. biceps femoris - a hamstring a muscle of the posterior thigh
  7. semimembranosus - a hamstring a muscle of the posterior thigh
  8. semitendinosus - a hamstring a muscle of the posterior thigh
  9. Posterior - pertaining to or toward the rear or caudal end of the body

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Air punching drill

In this drill you will be punching in the air. It is to help you with the hip rotation.  It will also help to ensure that your punches can still remain level with the hip rotation.

1. get into your defensive stance
2. practice throwing the cross punch including the hip rotation slow for a round or two in order to get the correct form
3. practice throwing the cross punch including the hip rotation at a regular speed for the rest of the rounds.
4. Do a total of 5 to 10 rounds

Target training drill

*this drill works best with a partner*
With a partner

1. Have your partner hold a target.  This can be professional punching pads, a pillow, or even just their hands (depending on how hard you plan on punching)
2. Have the partner tell you when to punch the target, but making sure that they give you time to fix your stance in between each punch
3. Do this ten times per round

Without a partner

1. In place of a partner, you can use a punching bag (hanging or standing) or punch a target taped on a wall (but be careful not to punch to hard and hurt your hand)
2. Throw a punch every few seconds, giving you time to fix your stance in between each punch
3. Do this ten times per round

This drill will help you aim better.  When done with a partner, it can also improve your reflexes.  Since you do not know when you will have to throw the punch, you have to stay focused and ready to punch at any moment.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Strenthening and Form drill

1. Get into a horse stance or a squatted position
2. Flex your elbows and fingers like you would to get into your defensive stance. Hyperextend your arms so that your fists are against your ribs.
3. From this position throw one punch at a time
4. Do a few rounds of ten

This drill will help to improve your punches and make sure they are straight and fully extended. It will also build strength in your upper legs.  The muscles worked by staying in a squatted position are thighs, hips, butt, and hamstrings (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Novice Video

This video is of a novice in karate.  He has only taken a few lessons before this video.

Expert Video


Defensive Stance

To get into a defensive stance, start in anatomical position (normal standing position). Hyperextend (place in back) your dominant foot (in my case, the right foot) back about a foot. Rotate (turn) your body towards your dominant side (right).  To complete your defensive stance, flex (bend) your elbows and fingers (make a fist) completely, bringing your hands up by your face. Pronate (turn) your wrists 90 degrees inward so that your palms are facing each other.  I normally like to have my thumbs tightly secure under my four other fingers so I cannot jam my thumb when I throw any kind of punch. Your arms should be parallel to each other and perpendicular to the floor.